Tuesday, November 04, 2008

new day

if the country is a person, today will be the beginning of the rest of his or her life,

if the country is a person, he or she is waking up from a really bad, bad nightmare, you know the kind that cover you in sweat,

if the country is a person, he or she if emerging from a nasty divorce from a abusive spouse, someone who is violent, deceitful, dishonest, and someone who spends way too much money on useless shit and steals from you, basically an all around douche,

if the country is a person, he or she is quitting he or her dead end job, finally after 8 years of discontent, decided to start over, doing something that he or she will be much happier doing, even if making a little less money,

if the country is a person, today is the day the exterminator coming to the house to take care of the problem that has been bugging you for a long time but too lazy to deal with,

i am out of ideas already, but you get the point,

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